Prof. Dr. Ingmar Unkel
- Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University (Germany)
- Research Group: Geomorphology and Soil Geography
- Website:
As the fourth coring expedition in March 2018 , we were delighted to welcome Dr. Ingmar Unkel as a new member to our team in Biển Hồ maar lake. We expect even better and deeper cores from the campaign, especially with Ingmar’s advice.
Ingmar is a hydrogeologist by Diploma (Master) and have quite some experience with karst environments in Greece and in Austria. Since Ingmar’s PhD, he shifted more and more towards palaeoclimate reconstructions using now mainly lake sediments, geochemical proxies, and radiocarbon dating. Ingmar expertise in radiocarbon dating and modelling confines the time range of interest to the last 50,000 years.
After practicing 8 years of Vietnamese version of fighting (Việt Võ Đạo) it is a dream of Ingmar or many years to one day visit Vietnam.
The Maar Lake region in Central Vietnam is quite interesting, especially as maars often have the potential for laminated sediments. And Central Vietnam is in an excellent position to investigate shifts of the monsoon belt over glacial/interglacial periods. Ingmar interests doing future research in Vietnam.
Ingmar is a very careful world expert in XRF data interpretation and statistics. He is working with the open source software R for plotting and analysis of data. Ingmar supports the EOS group to apply R and do the respective analyses. With a longer perspective, he can offer us to give an R course at VNU during his future visit to Vietnam to train our group and students in R.
Below are a few pictures highlighting Ingmar’s activities in Vietnam in March 2018.

In March 2020 (just before Covid-19 made international travel all but impossible), our coring team including Ingmar retrieved an 8.7 m long sediment core from Ea Tyn Lake. The maximum coring depth was limited by the penetration capabilities of the available equipment and not by the solid-rock basement of the lake basin, which has not been reached yet.

Twelve 14C AMS dates on single plant macrofossils and a 137Cs fallout profile indicate an extremely high sedimentation rate in the Ea Tyn Lake. Geochemistry, sedimentology, mineral magnetics, color properties, and macro-fossils of the Ea Tyn Lake record are currently being analysed by Ingmar, the EOS team and our international partners.

Related publications
Ojala A.E.K., Nguyễn-Văn H., Unkel I., Nguyễn-Thùy D., Nguyễn-Đình T., Đỗ-Trọng Q., Sun C., Sauer P.E., Schimmelmann A., 2023. High-resolution ~55 ka paleomagnetic record of Biển Hồ maar lake sediment from Vietnam in relation to detailed 14C and 137Cs geochronologies. Quat. Geochronol. 76, 101443,
Nguyễn-Văn, H., Unkel, I., Nguyễn-Thùy, D., Nguyễn-Đình, T., Đỗ, T.Q., Đặng, X.T., Nguyễn, T.H., Đinh, X.T., Nguyễn, T. A.N., Nguyễn, H.Q., Đào, T.H., Nguyễn, T.H.T., Phạm, L.T.N., Lê, N.A., Vũ, V.H., Ojala, A.E.K, Schimmelmann, A., Sauer, P., 2023. Paleoenvironmental potential of lacustrine sediments in the Central Highlands of Vietnam: a review on the state of research. Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences.
Nguyễn-Đình, T., Nguyễn-Thùy, D., Nguyễn-Văn, H., Ojala, A.E.K., Đỗ-Trọng, Q., Phan-Thanh, T., Nguyễn Thị, H., Nguyễn, T.A.N., Đinh, X.T., Nguyễn, T.H.T., Sauer, P.E., Schimmelmann, A., Unkel, I., 2022. High-resolution, 1250-year long drought record from Ea Tyn Lake, Central Highlands of Vietnam. The Holocene, 32, 10, 1026–1040.
Nguyễn-Văn, H., Schimmelmann, J.P., Nguyễn-Thùy D., Ojala, A.E.K, Unkel, I., Nguyễn-Đình, T., Fukumoto, Y., Doiron, K.E, Sauer, P.E., Drobniak, A., Nguyễn-Thùy, D, Nguyễn, T.A.N, Đỗ-Trọng, Q., Nguyễn-Thị, H., Nguyễn-Ánh, D., Nguyễn-Văn, T., and Schimmelmann, A., 2022. Environmental history recorded over the last 70 years in Biển Hồ Maar sediment, Central Highlands of Vietnam. Quaternary International, 621, 84-100.