Fukumoto is a Post-doc researcher from Ritsumeikan University, Japan, majoring paleolimnology, especially analyzing diatom fossils. He has done lake sediment research in Asian lakes and marshes such as in Indonesia, Taiwan, and Mongolia. Reading the EOS group website and articles related to Biển Hồ lake sediments, Fukumoto was quite interested in our group achievements of taking long cores in the Central Highlands of Vietnam and findings of varve structures. Fukumoto came to Hanoi in August 2019 and visit the EOS lab at Vietnam National University. Fukumoto believed that Bien Ho maar sediment is a good archive of the Holocene monsoon history in Southeast Asia and he enrolled in our research projects. Fossils of diatoms are a strong tool for inferring past environments such as water pH, water level, nutrients, etc. With the help of Fukumoto, diatom analyses of Biển Hồ sediment were firstly carried out on 30 samples from the topmost 60 cm of core in 2-cm intervals. There are 40 taxa of diatoms identified in the fossil assemblages. The result shows that Biển Hồ’s diatom flora experienced drastic changes in response to anthropogenic and environmental changes, especially in the past ten years. This implies that local water ecosystems have been highly impacted and altered from pristine conditions.

As an EOS international partner, Fukumoto kindly supports our new research proposal of late Holocene climate reconstruction based on lake sediment in the Dak Lak Province (South-Central Vietnam). He has a plan to join us in a field survey in the Central Highlands of Vietnam in March 2022.

Curriculum Vitae
- Full name: Yu Fukumoto
- Postdoc Researcher
- Research Center for Pan-Pacific Civilizations, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
- Office Address: 56-1 Tojiin Kitamachi, Kita-Ku, Kyoto-city, Japan
- Email: misudotomakudo@yahoo.co.jp
- EOS website: https://eosvnu.net/members/our-experts/fukumoto/
- Kyushu University, Japan Earth Science B.S. (2009)
- Kyushu University, Japan Diatom analysis of boreal peat sediments and the Holocene climate changes M.Sc. (2011)
- Kyushu University, Japan East Asian Holocene climate changes Ph.D. (2014)
- Diatom analysis on core sediments and reconstructing environmental changes in the the past 10,000 years.
Work experience
- Research stay in National Taiwan University granted by Interchange association, Japan (Aug-Sep, 2009);
- Coring and Geological field survey in Mongolia (2011-2013);
- Coring and Geological field survey in Tonle Sap lake, Cambodia (May, 2012);
- Coring survey in Lakes near Lahti, Finland (Feb, 2012);
- Coring survey in Lake Kevo, Pulmanki in northern Lapland, Finland (Apr, 2013);
- Research stay in Turku University, Finland, granted by CIMO scholarship (2014-2015);
- Coring and Geological field survey in Mongolia and Finland 2019;
- Pollen analysis;
- Thin section observation of sediments fixed by epoxy resin ;
- Plant macrofossil (sphagnum leaves) analysis;
International peer-reviewed publications
- Fukumoto, Y., 2011. Mid-late Holocene paleoenvironment in Karako lowland, western Japan, inferred from diatom analysis. Quaternary International 230. 115-121. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2010.08.003
- Fukumoto, Y., Kashima, K., Orkhonselenge, A., Ganzorig. U., 2012. Holocene environmental changes in northern Mongolia inferred from diatom and pollen records of peat sediment. Quaternary International 254, 83-91. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2011.10.014
- Fukumoto, Y., Kashima, K., Ganzorig, U., 2014. The Holocene environmental changes in boreal fen peatland of northern Mongolia reconstructed from diatom assemblages. Quaternary International 348, 66-81. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2014.05.029
- Fukumoto, Y., Li, X., Yasuda, Y., Okamura, M., Yamada, K., Kashima, K., 2015. The Holocene environmental changes in southern Indonesia reconstructed from highland caldera lake sediment in Bali Island. Quaternary International 374, 15-33. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2015.03.020
- Nguyễn-Văn, H., Schimmelmann, J.P., Nguyễn-Thùy D., Ojala, A.E.K, Unkel, I., Nguyễn-Đình, T., Fukumoto, Y., Doiron, K.E, Sauer, P.E., Drobniak, A., Nguyễn-Thùy, D, Nguyễn, T.A.N, Đỗ-Trọng, Q., Nguyễn-Thị, H., Nguyễn-Ánh, D., Nguyễn-Văn, T., and Schimmelmann, A., 2020. Environmental history recorded over the last 70 years in Biển Hồ Maar sediment, Central Highlands of Vietnam. Quaternary International. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2020.05.013.
- CIMO Fellowships Programme, Finland (2015);
- Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, Japan Society for Promotion of Sciences (2012-2013);
- Grant for Creative Researches, Kyushu University Student Support Association (2009);
- Interchange Association, Japan : Summer Program (2009)
Main oral and poster presentation
- 2008 Dec. International symposium on paleoenvironmental reconstruction and Material Circulation by water system (Fukuoka, Japan) ;
- 2009 Dec. The 3rd International Symposium on the East Asian Environmental Problems (Fukuoka, japan);
- 2010 Mar. The second international congress on the research of paleoenvironment in the Quaternary period (Taipei, Taiwan);
- 2010 Dec. The Environment and Civilization, AEA annual conference (Kyoto, Japan);
- 2011 May. Japan GeoscienceUnion meeting 2011 (Tokyo, Japan) ;
- 2011 Oct. International conference on landscape conservation (Taipei, Taiwan);
- 2012 Oct. The 9th East Asia International Workshop: Present Earth Surface Processes and Long-term Environmental Changes in East Asia (Fukuoka, Japan) ;
- 2013 Oct. The 10th East Eurasia International workshop : Present Earth Surface Processes and Long-term Environmental Changes in East Eurasia (Gwanju, Korea) ;
- 2015 Sep. The 12th East Eurasia International workshop : Present Earth Surface Processes and Long-term Environmental Changes in East Eurasia (Taipei, Taiwan)
- Prof. Kaoru Kashima, Associate Professor
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, Kyushu University
- Email: kashimakaoru@gmail.com