Name: Hồng Nguyễn-Thị
Office Address:
- Faculty of Geology, VNU University of Science,
- Vietnam National University, 334 Nguyen Trai St., Thanh Xuan, Hanoi, Vietnam
- E-mail:
- Phone: +84-4-35587057
- Website:
a. Professional Preparation
- VNU University of Science Environmental Management B.A. 1998
- University of Greifswald, Germany Geosciences & Environment M.S. 2009
- VNU University of Science Management of Resources and Environment Ph.D. 2017

b. Other trainings:
- 2010, Certificate of enhancement training course “Application of GIS in environmental management and planning”, AIT in Vietnam
- 2007, Certificate of the course “GIS-Theory and Applications”, HUS, VNU
- 2005, Certificate of the course “MOKITO-GIS and Applications”, Moskito Company, Germany
- 1999, Certificate of “Applications of RS & GIS in Environment Planning”, VUB and Faculty of Environmental Science within the Advanced International Training Programme
- 1998, Certificate of “Application of information technology in Earth Sciences”, Faculty of Geology, HUS, VNU

c. Appointments
- 1998 – Present: Researcher , Faculty of Geology, VNU University of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
- Teaching Course: Fundamentals of Remote Sensing and GIS, Methods of natural resource management
d. Publications
- Nguyễn-Đình, T., Nguyễn-Thùy, D., Nguyễn-Văn, H., Ojala, A.E.K., Đỗ-Trọng, Q., Phan-Thanh, T., Nguyễn Thị, H., Nguyễn, T.A.N., Đinh, X.T., Nguyễn, T.H.T., Sauer, P.E., Schimmelmann, A., Unkel, I., 2022. High-resolution, 1250-year long drought record from Ea Tyn Lake, Central Highlands of Vietnam. The Holocene.
- Nguyễn-Văn, H., Schimmelmann, J.P., Nguyễn-Thùy D., Ojala, A.E.K, Unkel, I., Nguyễn-Đình, T., Fukumoto, Y., Doiron, K.E, Sauer, P.E., Drobniak, A., Nguyễn-Thùy, D, Nguyễn, T.A.N, Đỗ-Trọng, Q., Nguyễn-Thị, H., Nguyễn-Ánh, D., Nguyễn-Văn, T., and Schimmelmann, A., 2020. Environmental history recorded over the last 70 years in Biển Hồ Maar sediment, Central Highlands of Vietnam. Quaternary International. [Data in PANGAEA]
- Nguyễn-Văn H., Nguyễn-Thuỳ, D., Nguyễn, N.T.A., Streil, T., Schimmelmann, J., , Doiron, K., Nguyễn-Đình, T., Nguyễn-Thị H, Schimmelmann, A., 2020. Excessive radon-based radiation in indoor air caused by soil building materials in traditional homes on Đồng Văn karst plateau, northern Vietnam. Chemosphere. Vol. 257, Oct. 2020, 127119. [VSI: Air pollution in developing countries].
- Nguyen Bich Huong, Nguyen Thi Bich, Le Phuong Nhung, Nguyen Thi Hong (2017), “Using GIS and AHP techniques for land use suitability analysis in Nam Truc district Nam Dinh province”, in Proceeding of Vietnam GIS Application Conference 2017. Water resources and climate change. Pg 960-971.
- Nguyen Kim Loi, Nguyen Le Tan Dat, Le Hoang Tu1, Nguyen Duy Liem, Vo Ngoc Quynh Tram, Le Van Phan, Nguyen Duy Nang, Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy, Nguyen Thi Hong, Tran Thong Nhat, Margaret Shanafield,Okke Batelaan, 2016. Assessing impacts of land use change on water resources in the La Vi catchement, Binh Dinh province. International Symposium Hanoi Geoengineering 2016
- Nguyễn Thị Hồng, Phan Thị Thanh Trúc, Nguyễn Duy Liêm, Nguyễn Kim Lợi, 2016. Optimal Selection of Number and Location of Meteo-Hydrological Monitoring Networks on Vu Gia – Thu Bon River Basin using GIS. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology. Vol 6, No 3 (2016) [Full PDF]
- Nguyễn Thị Hồng, Nguyễn Thị Bích, Lê Hoàng Tú, Nguyễn Thị Huyền, Nguyễn Kim Lợi, 2016. Effect of Land Use Change on Water Discharge in Vu Gia – Thu Bon Watershed – Đánh giá ảnh hưởng của biến động sử dụng đất đến lưu lượng dòng chảy lưu vực sông Vu Gia – Thu Bồn. ”, Journal of GEOLOGY Series A, No 351, 5-6/2016, Pg. 49-59.
- Le Phuong Nhung, Nguyen Duy Liem, Nguyen Thi Hong, Nguyen Kim Loi (2016), “Estimation of soil erosion in the upstream right bank of Vu Gia – Thu Bon river basin using revised universal soil loss equation, GIS and remote sensing”, in Proceeding of Vietnam GIS Application Conference 2016, Hue University Publishing House, Pg. 472 – 483.
- Dương Ngọc Minh, Lê Hoàng Tú, Nguyễn Thị Hồng, Nguyễn Thị Huyền, Nguyễn Kim Lợi, 2015. Integrating GIS and AHP to build the zoning map of flooding risks in the Vugia – Thubon river basin, Quangnam province – Tích hợp GIS và AHP thành lập bản đồ phân vùng nguy cơ tổn thương lũ tại lưu vực sông Vu Gia – Thu Bồn, tỉnh Quảng Nam, in Proceeding of Vietnam GIS Application Conference 2015. Contruction Publishing House. Pg 298-301. Kỷ yếu Hội thảo “Ứng dụng GIS toàn quốc 2015”. Nhà xuất bản Xây dựng.
- Nguyen Thị Hong, Nguyen Duy Liem, Nguyen Thi Bich, Le Duy Bao Hieu, Le Hoang Tu, Nguyen Kim Loi, 2014, Effect of Land Use Change on Water Discharge in Vu Gia Watershed, Viet Nam using GIS and SWAT. VNU Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences. Vol.29, No.30, Pg. 80-91.
- Nguyen Thi Hong, Phan Thi Thanh Truc, Nguyen Duy Liem, Nguyen Kim Loi, 2014, Optimal selection of number and location of Meteo-Hydrological monitoring networks on Vu Gia – Thu Bồn riverd bazin using GIS. GeoInformatics for Spatial-Infrastructure Development in Earth & Allied Sciences (GIS-IDEAS), International Conference, Pg.66-73.
- Nguyen Thi Hong, Tran Thi Viet Ha, Nguyen Duy Liem, Nguyen Kim Loi, 2013, Application of SWAT model in assessment on water quality of Tri An lake catchment of Dong Nai river system. Summary record of the conference “Application of GIS nationwide 2013”, Ho Chi Minh City Agriculture Publishing House, Pg. 377 – 384.
- Nguyễn Kim Lợi, Nguyễn Duy Liêm, Lê Hoàng Tú, Lê Văn Phận, Trần Lê Như Quỳnh, Nguyễn Thị Hồng, Nguyễn Văn Trai, Phạm Công Thiện, Hoàng Thị Thủy, Lê Tấn Phúc, 2013. Supporting Flood Warning System for the Vu Gia River Basin, Quang Nam Province – Hệ hỗ trợ trực tuyến cảnh báo lũ cho lưu vực sông Vu Gia, tỉnh Quảng Nam, in Proceeding of Vietnam GIS Application Conference 2013, Ho Chi Minh City Agriculture Publishing House, Pg. 9 – 18. Kỷ yếu hội thảo “Ứng dụng GIS toàn quốc 2013”, Nhà Xuất bản Nông nghiệp TP. Hồ Chí Minh, Pg 9 – 18. 2013.
- Nguyen Kim Loi, Nguyen Duy Liem, Pham Cong Thien, Le Van Phan, Le Hoang Tu, Hoang Thi Thuy, Nguyen Van Trai, Tran Le Nhu Quynh, Le Tan Phuc, Nguyen Thi Huyen, Nguyen Thi Tinh Au, Nguyễn Thị Hồng, R.Srinivasan, 2013, Development of an Online Supporting System Flood Warning for Vu Gia Watershed, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam: Conceptual Framework and Proposed Research Techniques. VNU Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences. Vol.29, No.1, Pg. 38-44.
- Le Hoang Tu, Nguyen Thi Hong, Nguyen Duy Liem, Nguyen Kim Loi, 2013, Integrating analytic hierarchy process and GIS for flood risk zoning in Vu Gia watershed, Quang Nam province. VNU Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences. Vol.29, No.3, Pg. 64-72.
- Trần Nghi, Tạ Hòa Phương, Nguyễn Thị Hồng, Trần Thị Dung, 2013. Giá trị nổi bật địa chất, địa mạo của khu vực di sản thiên nhiên thế giới Phong Nha – Kẻ Bàng. Tạp chí Thông tin Khoa học & Công nghệ, Sở Khoa học và Công nghệ tỉnh Quảng Bình. Số 3, trang 44-53, 2013
- Nguyen Kim Loi, Hoang Thi Thuy, Nguyen Van Trai, Nguyen Thi Huyen, Nguyen Thi Hong, Le Anh Tuan, Nguyen Hieu Trung, Truong Phuoc Minh, Suppakorn Chinvanno, 2011, Assessing climate change impacts and adaptation in central Vietnam using SWAT and community based approach: Case study in Vu Gia watershed, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam. Summary record of the conference “Application of GIS nationwide 2011”, Ho Chi Minh City Agriculture Publishing House, Pg. 41-50.
- Nguyễn Duy Liêm, Nguyen Thi Hong, Truong Phuoc Minh, Nguyen Kim Loi, 2011, Application of GIS and SWAT model in assessment on flow in Be river basin. Summary record of the conference “Application of GIS nationwide 2011”, Ho Chi Minh City Agriculture Publishing House, Pg 7-13.
- Trần Nghi, Tạ Hòa Phương, Vũ Văn Phái, Đinh Xuân Thành, Nguyễn Thanh Lan, Nguyễn Đình Thái, Nguyễn Thị Hồng, 2011. Adventurous tourism-a potential realm of World Natural Heritage – National Park Phong Nha – Ke Bang. VNU Journal of Science, Earth Sciences 27, Pg. 77-88. 2011
- Nguyen Thi Hong, J. Kasbohm, H. Wessel, J. Hartleib, 2009, GIS-Based starting tools of decision making for wastewater treatment planning. Journal of Geology. Series B, No 33, pp.124 – 141
- Kasbohm J., S. Grothe, W.Steingrube, Lê Thị Lài, Lê Đức Ngân, Nguyễn Thị Hồng, Lê Thị Kim Oanh, Nghiêm Quỳnh Hương, 2009. Intergrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) – An Introduction. Journal of Geology. Series B, No 33 Pg. 3-14. 2009
- Erhardt B., K. Fischer, J. Kasbohm, Lê Đức Ngân, Lê Thị Lài, H. Wessel, Nguyễn Thị Hồng, Lê Thị Kim Oanh, Đoàn Minh Vũ, S. Schlüter, V. Keuter, 2009. “NDcitylineiaks”-system: A module-like decentralized waste water treatment concept for Nam Dinh City. Journal of Geology. Series B, N 33, Pg. 107-203. 2009.
- Nguyen Van Dai, Phan Van Quynh, Nguyen Thi Hong, 2006, Remoste Sensing Interpretation and GIS modeling for the study of water resources in the highlands of Dong Van – Meo Vac, Vietnam. Proceeding “GIS-IDEAS 2006 Symposium”
- Nguyen Van Dai, Phan Van Quynh, Nguyen Thi Hong, 2004, Remote sensing and GIS integration for terrain evaluation and land resources assessment in north western Vietnam, Proceeding “GIS-IDEAS 2004 Symposium”
- Nguyen Van Dai, Nguyen Thi Hong, 2000, Project on the elevation model of DEM to application of GIS to study the geological database interpolation. Journal of Geology. Series A, pp. 96 – 100.
Monograph: Co-author
- Nguyễn Ngọc Thạch, Đinh Thị Bảo Hoa, Nguyễn Thị Hồng, Nguyễn Vũ Giang, Dư Vũ Việt Quân. Viễn thám – GIS nghiên cứu lớp phủ, sử dụng đất (Remote sensing & GIS for Land use/Land cover change). Nhà xuất bản Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội, 2017.
- Hệ hỗ trợ cảnh báo lũ (Trường hợp nghiên cứu tại lưu vực sông Vu Gia – Thu Bồn, Tỉnh Quảng Nam) Nhà Xuất bản Nông nghiệp 2016
- Method Handbook for IWRM in Vietnam, Bochumer Universitätsverlag Westdeutscher Universitätsverlag. ISBN-10: 389966549X. ISBN-13: 978-3899665499 2013
e. Scientific Experience
- Ongoing Project: Nghiên cứu xây dựng mô hình và hệ thống dự báo thời tiết tiểu vùng và cảnh báo nguy cơ lũ quét, cháy rừng và sâu bệnh nông nghiệp cấp huyện vùng núi phía bắc. Duration 2016-2018, Code: KHCN-TB.13C/13-18 (Member)
- Project: Assessing Land use/land cover change in Vu Gia – Thu Bon Watershed, Quang Nam province using GIS and SWAT model
- Year: 2015 ( 12 months)
- Location: Quang Nam Province, Vietnam
- Client: Hanoi University of Sciences, Vietnam National University
- Main project features: To assess the current status of land use in Vu Gia – Thu Bon river basin, Quang Nam province. Application of GIS and Markov series model to assess the land-use change in Vu Gia – Thu Bon river basin, Quang Nam province.
- Positions held: Chairman
- Activities performed:
- Collect, synthesize related documents on the study area.
- To analyze the development of land use in the period 2005-2010. To assess the variance of land use in the period 2005 – 2010 in Vu Gia – Thu Bon river basin.
- Project: Supporting Flood Warning System for the Vu Gia – Thu Bon River Basin, Quang Nam Province – KC.01.24/11-15
- Year: 2014 – 2015 (intermittent, 12 months)
- Location: Quang Nam Province, Vietnam
- Client: Ministry of Science and Technology
- Main project features: Building flood warning system using online information based on the application of geographic information system (GIS), information technology and model SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) and HEC-RAS (Hydrologic Engineering Centers- River Analysis System) for the Vu Gia – Thu Bon.
- Positions held: Scientific secretary and GIS Data Specialist
- Activities performed: Collecting data (natural topographic base map, land, land use, etc.), economy (income, job, gender, population density, education, services, etc) and data about the floods on the Vu Gia – Thu Bon river basin area from 1990 to present; collecting meteorological data, hydrological data (rainfall, temperature, humidity, flow, etc.) in the Vu Gia – Thu Bon river basin area from 1990 to present. Data were collected through meteorological station in Middle Central Region. This is important input data for SWAT model evaluation of the flood in the Vu Gia – Thu Bon river basin; designing real-time data acquisition for meteorology, hydrology (rainfall, temperature, humidity, sea level, flow, etc.); Building a website providing information on meteorological, hydrological (rainfall, temperature, humidity, sea level, flow, etc.) updated in real-time with the support of computers and mobile phones; Developing real time mathematical functions for flood warning of the Vu Gia – Thu Bon river basin area; AHP (Analytical hierarchy Process) was used for weighting; establishment zoning map flood warning for the Vu Gia – Thu Bồn river basin area; supporting solutions for living with floods in the study area.
- Project: Application of GIS and SWAT model to assess soil and water resources in Tri An sub-watershed for practical training
- Year: 2012 – 2014 ( 24 months)
- Location: Dong Nai Province, Vietnam
- Client: Hanoi University of Sciences, Vietnam National University
- Main project features: Set up, run the SWAT model simulation variation of flow, sediment volume for the Dong Nai river basin. Assess of the sedimentation in Tri An reservoir based on the application of geographic information system (GIS) and SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model for the Tri An sub-watershed.
- Positions held: Chairman
- Activities performed: Study on the status of land use and water use in the Tri An sub-watershed. Synthesis of researches and applications of SWAT model in soil and water assessment. Develop assessment procedures for soil and water. Simulation of the variation of flow, sediment quantity, evaluation of sedimentation in Tri An reservoir.
- Project: Supporting Flood Warning System for the Vu Gia River Basin, Quang Nam Province – KC.01.TN18/11-15.
- Year: 2011 – 2012 (intermittent, 6 months)
- Location: Quang Nam Province, Vietnam
- Client: Department of science and technology
- Main project features: Building flood warning system using online information based on the application of geographic information system (GIS), information technology and model SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool)
- Positions held: GIS Expert (Mapping DEM; building network of river and streams systems; Integrating GIS and AHP to zone for flood warning)
- Activities performed: Collecting data (natural topographic base map, land, land use, etc.), economy (income, job, gender, population density, education, services, etc) and data about the floods on the Vu Gia river basin area from 1990 to present; collecting meteorological data, hydrological data (rainfall, temperature, humidity, flow, etc.) in the Vu Gia river basin area from 1990 to present. Data were collected through meteorological station in Middle Central Region. This is important input data for SWAT model evaluation of the flood in the Vu Gia Basin; designing real-time data acquisition for meteorology, hydrology (rainfall, temperature, humidity, sea level, flow, etc.); Building a website providing information on meteorological, hydrological (rainfall, temperature, humidity, sea level, flow, etc.) updated in real-time with the support of computers and mobile phones; Developing real time mathematical functions for flood warning of the Vu Gia river basin area; AHP (Analytical hierarchy Process) was used for weighting; establishment zoning map flood warning for the Vu Gia river basin area; supporting solutions for living with floods in the study area.
- Project: Supporting System of Flood Warning for River Basins Dakbla, Kon Tum Province
- Year: 2012 -2014 (intermittent, 12 months)
- Location: KonTum Province, Vietnam
- Client: Department of Science and Technology, Kon Tum province
- Main project features: Identify risk areas of flooding, flood peak based on the SWAT model; Provides online website about the flood situation, support mobile phone interface; supporting community of risk areas by SMS.
- Positions held: Established map of flood warning in DakBla river basins; Mapping DEM; system network of river, streams; Integrated GIS and AHP for mapping flood warning. Training, transferring research results, applying for local authorities.
- Activities performed: Collecting data (natural topographic base map, land, land use, etc.), economy (income, job, gender, population density, education, services, etc) and data about the floods in the area the DakBla basin from 1980 to present; collecting meteorological data, hydrological data (rainfall, temperature, humidity, flow, etc.) at the DakBla basin from 1980 to present; designing real-time data acquisition for meteorology, hydrology (rainfall, temperature, humidity, sea level, flow, etc.). Collecting real-time data on meteorology, hydrology; building a website providing information on meteorological, hydrological data (rainfall, temperature , humidity, sea level, flow, etc.,) updating in real time with the aid of computers and mobile phones; building software that provides emergency information via SMS; Building software provides emergency information via SMS; proposing solutions to live with floods in the study area; training and transfering research results, applying for local authorities.
- Poject: Application of Remote Sensing Technology and Geographic Information Systems to Manage and Forecast Natural Disasters and Propose Solutions to Mitigate Disasters in Hoa Binh Province for the Period 2011 – 2015“
- Year: 2011 – 2015 (intermittent, 12 months)
- Location: Hoa Binh Province, Vietnam
- Client: Hoa Bình Department of Environmental Protection – Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
- Main project features: Analyzing and assessing information based on spatial models to determine the causes of risks and predict the type of natural disaster, propose optimal environmental management plan to mitigate disasters for Hoa Binh province
- Positions held: GIS Specialist
- Activities performed: Constructing database, run the disaster model, map editor
- Project: Studying and Evaluating the Effect of Rising Sea Level to Environment in Con Dao and Proposing Compatible Solutions and Establishing Technological Aid Program Which is for Analysis, Evaluation of Environmental Targets Integrated with Strategies of Development of Economy- Society in Con Dao in the Direction of Stable Development
- Year: 2009 – 2010 (intermittent, 03 months)
- Location: Hanoi & Ba Ria – Vung Tau, Vietnam
- Client: Vietnam Environmental Protection Authority (VEPA)
- Main project features: Basing on the evaluation the effect of rising sea level to Con Dao island area, the compatible solutions which are compatible for local communities and aided the local government to make proper decisions during 2020 and orientation up to the year are proposed. Establishing technological aid program which is for analysis, evaluation of environmental targets integrated with strategies of development of economy- society in Con Dao.
- Positions held: GIS Specialist
- Activities performed: Building maps for flood areas and vulnerable areas. Technical assistance for analyzing policy and evaluating of environmental indicators integrated with strategy of social – economic development in Con Dao. Vulnerability assessment by the sea level rising scenarios are applied sciencies to help prevent and mitigate natural disasters that affect communities. (Maps of flooded and vulnerability area with scenarios 0,5m, 1m, 2m and 5m, scale 1/25.000).
- Project: Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and Building Model of Waste Water Treatment
- Year: 2006 – 2010 (intermittent, 24 months)
- Location: Hanoi & Nam Dinh, Vietnam
- Client: BMBF Germany and Nam Dinh DONRE
- Main project features: The Research Project IWRM-Vietnam develops methods for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in Vietnam. It is carried out by a network of German and Vietnamese partners, including universities, research institutes, public authorities and companies. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for a project period from 2006 to 2010.
- Positions held: GIS Specialist
- Activities performed: Development of a Decision Support System (DSS) for IWRM and its application in the pilot provinces. Implementation, investigation and adjustment of technology for water management. Networking, communication and education. In detail, building first elements of an information system as a future DSS tool for supporting of decision making for the construction of a waste water treatment plant in Nam Dinh City.
- Project: Building Research Methodology to Zone Environmental Functions Serving The Environmental Planning for Sustainable Development
- Year: 2009 – 2010 (intermittent, 03 months)
- Location: Binh Dinh, Vietnam
- Client: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment/ Department of Environmental
- Main project features: Determine criteria systems of environmental functions that suitable with the study area (Binh Dinh). Criteria suitable with the actual conditions of Binh Dinh, and are a general overview to be able to apply for other provinces
- Positions held: GIS Expert (determine the location and distribution of the environmental functions to zone environmental function in Binh Dinh and show them on a map).
- Activities performed: Provide a scientific basis for the construction of the development plan. Zoning function of the environment is the first step, set the stage for the process of planning the socio-economic development in general and environmental protection in particular for a region, a specific local in order to ensure sustainable development.
- Project: Capacity Building for Urban Environmental Planning and Management (CBUEPM)
- Year: 2006 – 2007 (06 months)
- Location: Hanoi & Thai Nguyen, Vietnam
- Client: MOC / DANIDA
- Main project features: The CBUEPM Programme was designed to assist MOC in the formulation of new, enhanced urban environmental planning methodology to incorporate environmental, social (poverty) aspects as well as to facilitate the cooperation between related stakeholders, to enhance the public participation and participation from private sectors in the planning process. It also includes a Pilot Planning Exercise in the Thai Nguyen City and capacity building component to spread the lessons learnt to other urban areas.
- Positions held: GIS Data Specialist
- Activities performed: Support the detailed designed of planning GIS database and collect and process data for completion of Thai Nguyen City and Quan Trieu – Quang Vinh databases in ESRI shapefile format for the Pilot Planning Exercise (PPE). The database include the integrated environmental and socio-economic data for evaluating existing urban development, environmental issues, for reviewing the existing master plan and for supporting various urban development alternatives. Train and transfer the database for local staff to maintain and update the system.
- Project: Refining, Digitizing and Creating Geological Maps for Lab Section
- Year: 2004 – 2005
- Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
- Client: Hanoi University of Sciences, VNU
- Main project features: Collecting geology maps, which concern to structure. Selecting maps, which have contents approptiate to geological structured styles. Digitalizing and compling geology maps.
- Positions held: GIS Lecturer (Series of digitalizing geology map)
- Activities performed: Making the set of standard geological maps which directly serve the lab exercises of the subject “Geological structure and geological mapping”. This is the first premise for composing the full and complete set of standard geological maps.
- Project: “Using MapInfo Software in Mapping Digitally Geological Map”
- Year: 2002 – 2003
- Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
- Client: Hanoi University of Sciences, VNU
- Main project features: Step by step to digitizing the geological map. Building the thematic maps for different features line, point and polygons maps. Querying the map data base by the info tool and the query select and query sql select. Creating map database from points database in other format (excels) by module create point. Buffering operation. Other use of MapInfo for creating maps in deferent fields of study. Searching map data by internet.
- Positions held: GIS Lecturer
- Activities performed: The MapInfo is teaching for students at the all Fields of study (use of MapInfo for all other mapping and building GIS database)