Đỗ Ngọc Điệp

Photographer Đỗ Ngọc Điệp and his family & friends in Pleiku
  • Mr. Điệp is a professional photographer – a girl’s dream.
  • Mr. Đăng is a Điệp’s friend and also a professional photographer.  Điệp said about Đăng: ” Brother Đăng can do everything, like Doraemon”.
  • Điệp’s family is living near Bien Ho – a largest maar lake in Pleiku, Gia Lai province – Central Highland of Vietnam.
  • His family assists our EOS group with the maar lake project near Pleiku.
  • Điệp travelled with the EOS group to Hà Giang province in December 2016 where he took many nice pictures for EOS’s website.
Điệp and his friend Đăng organized the construction of a sturdy and re-usable platform from inexpensive steel pipes and plywood in Pleiku based on Hướng’s sketch.
Following Điệp’s suggestion, a local machine shop in Pleiku had lathed the core catcher for us from an old rusty artillery shell at only one hour notice. “Here in Vietnam everything is possible if you know your way around!”
Our local photographer friend Đỗ Ngọc Điệp from Pleiku and Dr. Antti Ojala from the Geological Survey of Finland hold a special heavy-duty core catcher used in the Plei Ốp swampy maar where we anticipated a hard layer. 
Điệp was standing on two inflatables and used a section of a tree trunk to hammer the core liner into the sediment of a swampy maar in Pleiku City. A heavy-duty core catcher was attached to the bottom of the 4 meter long core liner.
EOS Christmas card 2018. Photograph of Biển Hồ maar lake was taken by Điệp in December 2017.

Geosciences are improving the lives of people in Vietnam